Monday, January 27, 2014

The Surprise Honeymoon

     For months, the honeymoon destination remained a mystery.  Those who knew were sworn to secrecy.  Jordan agonized over keeping everything a secret.  He wanted to make sure it was a surprise.  Well it worked.  December 21st came and as we arrived at the airport I still did not know where we were going.  I had my guesses since he did tell me to pack swimsuits and shorts, but the possibilities were endless.

     "Final destination, Antigua," the flight attendant confirmed as we checked our bags.  Antigua!!  "Where is that again?" I asked Jordan.  He laughed, "Are you excited?"

     The next seven days we were in paradise.  Of course we had our little bumps along the way such as delayed flights, our plane unable to land in Antigua until the second attempt, sunburns, missing shower heads, and bug bites, but they just helped our trip be more exciting.

     Every day started like this: "So what do you want to do today?" one of us would ask.  "Do you want to go to the beach, take a nap, get a smoothie at the bar, or swim in the pool?"  Yeah, it was rough.

We definitely had our fill of banana smoothies.  

We got some reading in.  

And people watched from our lanai out onto the beach. 

We left the resort one day to walk through the villages and up to an old British fort that looked out onto our part of the island. 

Our last day we took a boat ride around the island.  We snorkeled, held a real life sting ray, swam onto the white sand Rendezvous Beach (we did pass on the Rum Punch), and had lunch on an isolated beach. 

We loved our time in the sun but were happy to come home to Texas.  Every once in awhile though we find ourselves wishing that we could slip back into our bathing suits and enjoy the peaceful time we had in Antigua... if only for a few hours.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The Wedding Day: Part Two

     The reception that night was held at the Wedgwood Banquet Center at the Sterling Hills Country Club in Camarillo.  We were able to take some fun pictures out on the grass before the sun went down.

     We had an awesome set of groomsmen and bridesmaids :)  And they were beautiful and handsome to look at tooo!! 

    We will give you a little taste of the reception decor.

      That night was a dream.  We loved the dancing and the cake especially and it all ended too fast!  None of it would have been possible without our two great families.  They have helped us become who we are today.  Our parents have given us innumerable gifts over the years; the most important ones being learned from their examples and counsel.  We are so blessed that they love us and have faith in us and our ability to start a family of our own. 

     And so we now begin our happily ever after....

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The Wedding Day: Part One


     Time seemed to inch by until the week before the wedding. Then the reality of what was happening finally set in and time seemed to be going by too fast!!  The crazy long list of things that needed to be done grew shorter by the day, with the tremendous help of family and friends, until the only chaos that remained was the anxious excitement that Jordan and I were feeling.  I don't think either one of us slept much that week. 

     We watched the weather each day praying for a sunny day, but as each day got closer, rain seemed inevitable. 

     The day of the wedding was dreamlike.  It truly was the happiest day of my life.  As we walked into the Los Angeles temple, the butterflies in my stomach finally calmed.  I felt a peace settling over me and I was filled with a confirmation that I was marrying the love of my life.  The ceremony was beautiful and special as we were surrounded by family and friends. As I looked at Jordan, I overwhelmed by the feelings I had for him and was so happy that we would be together for all time and eternity.  

     The rain held up just as Jordan and I made our exit from the temple.  It was a small miracle.



     The break in the rain didn't last too long.  Within a few minutes, we had a steady rainfall.  Jordan and I didn't seem to care.  We were married!!!  That's all we could think about. :)


     The wedding party started on their way to the luncheon and somehow forgot the bride and groom at the temple.  We got some funny looks in the visitor's center as we sat soaking wet in suit and dress waiting for a ride.  That didn't seem to faze us though and was an extra good story to add to the day.

     The luncheon was beautiful.  Malibu was sunny and warm and we were able to dry off as we sat underneath the sunny windows and watched the surfers below on the beach.  


Saturday, August 31, 2013

The Photo Shoot

      We found a photographer in Cedar City that is just beginning his career as a photographer.  He loves photography, his camera, and editing film.  He came over to show me his work and I was sold.  Jordan and I were quite the timid models, but the photographer brought his wife and his two very cute girls with us to direct us a little bit.

      The photos turned out so well and we were a little disappointed that only one photo would make it in the invitations, so I decided to share some of our favorites with you.

      Enjoy!! :)